kro.Productions is a journey. It is a journey where we remind ourselves to live life outside of the work that we do.
Hi! My name is Dr. Kimberly Rottet. But you can call me kro.
The sentiment of living life outside of the work that I do resonates so heavily with me that it prompted me to start a YouTube channel and start this blog. But where did that sentiment come from. Well, I’m in my mid 40s, so I suppose some might call it a mid life situation. And perhaps a small part of the reason the concept of my work not defining me came from the mid life thought. I had reached a point in my career that many people in my field aspire too. It’s enjoyable, but reaching that point was a little anti climactic. I can still appreciate it. Work - it still motivates me. But I no longer feel the need for it to be so deeply engrained in who I am. As important as my professional life is to me it is only a part of who I am.
These ideals, living life more fully outside of work and lifelong learning, are what prompted me to start this work. And, what is this work - what does that mean. It means starting a YouTube Channel because during COVID like so much of the rest of the world, my day job went digital. For me that meant helping out and filming content. And I kind of liked it. I liked the learning! And because you are visiting this blog and reading this content, I can assume that your brain might be a little busy too. Or you might feel compelled to pursue your lifelong learning hopes too. Thus, a community is being formed.
Thanks to my day job I am well aware of the different styles of learning and want to think intentionally about how not everyone learns the same way. YouTube and videos resonate with some, while the written word works for others. That’s one easy way to think about the purpose of each medium. Another way to think about it is that this blog might serve as the additional breadcrumb details that might further help explain the video content. Whichever medium you prefer - I’m just happy you opt to join the community.
So come along for the ride and share in the journey with me!